Duipangre Nepal

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Buy ?

Simply, View the product you are looking for. Check all the details and description of the product you want to purchase. Contact the seller to their available number, mail address or quickly message from the service provided within this site.

How to Sell ?

Sell the product you want giving the best quality images, details, sufficient information to the buyers. You must upload minimum 2 images.

How to Exchange ?

Give all the required information like; model number, product name, Colors and inlist your product. 

How to To -Let ?

Provide the details regarding your product to TO-LET. Mention the charge price, Fuel owned, Insurance, KMs, etc.

How to Register?

If you want to Buy, Sell, Exchange and  To-Let, List your product you must register first.

Simply, Go to the register icon. Fill your username, a valid mail address, enter the password you like and accept the terms and conditions and register your account. After registering a link will be sent to your mail address. Follow the link from your mail inbox and easily you will be registered.

How to Login ?

Simply, after registering, whenever you want to get into the site, you can easily login with your username or email address with a password.

And then, to avoid the login process time to time, easily tick mark the Remember Me box. So that, you will be logged in directly whenever you enter the site.

What is Pricing ?

We have introduced Four different packages of Pricing.

1. Bronze

Bronze is a Free Plan of Rs. 0/- basically recommended for Basic users with 5 regular Ads,No Featured, No Top Ads and No Bumped Up Ads. This package is valid for 60 Days without any Support.

2. Silver

Silver Basic Plan of Rs. 299/- is recommended for Side Hustlers with 30 regular Ads, 15 Featured, 10 Top Ads and 5 Bumped Up Ads. This package is valid for 90 Days with Limited Support.

3. Gold

Gold Advance Plan of Rs. 899/- is recommended for B Category Recondition Houses, Showrooms, Service Centre and Parts and Accessories Shops with 180 regular Ads, 60 Featured, 40 Top Ads and 30 Bumped Up Ads. This package is valid for 365 Days with Basic Support.

4. Diamond

Diamond Pro Plan of Rs. 1699/- is recommended for A Category Recondition Houses, Showrooms, Service Centre and Parts and Accessories Shops with Unlimited regular Ads, 180 Featured, 120 Top Ads and 60 Bumped Up Ads. This package is valid for 365 Days with Prior Support.

What is Feature Ads ?

Feature Ads are those ads displayed on the first page i.e. Home page of the site. If anyone will open the site the feature ads are displayed first.

What is Top Ads ?

Top Ads are those ads displayed on the top of the first page i.e. Home page of the site. If anyone will open the site the top ads are displayed first before featured ads.

What is Bump Ads ?

Bump Ads are those ads displayed on the Homepage of  the site.